Souls Harbor Church was founded in April of 1980 for the purpose of giving people who want to serve God a place to gather while reaching out to others. Souls Harbor was started as an outreach mission church and we have never lost that heart. We are traditional in worship and style, with a focus on the individual and their relationship with God. It is often said by the members that we have a family atmosphere. Stop in for our next scheduled service expecting to have an experience with God.

Although we are an independent church, we associate with the International Christian Fellowship headquartered in Searcy Arkansas. If we wear a title we would wear the title of a Full Gospel church. We do not follow after any one aspect of God, but we follow after the fullness of who God is. We believe that all that are saved are saved through grace, given as a result of our faith, revealed in our life through holiness which is lived out in love. Our lifestyle and should represent our appreciation to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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